The biggest lesson I learned this week; DON'T PLAY WITH ELECTRIC FLY SWATTERS!!!
OUCH!!! We'd found it in our apartment, and thought it was pretty cool until I zapped myself good with it. (I thought there's no way it's powerful enough to hurt me if Elder Nalder presses the button and I complete the circuit) It's a good thing they're pretty weak, or else we might have been in a bit of trouble.
As it is, my arms and chest hurt for a day and a half.
But on a more gospel oriented note; we did some pretty good work this past week. We taught Fausto again; he's been doing fantastic! He's read up to page 4 of the Book of Mormon, and seems to like it pretty well. But the really exciting news is about Laticia! We dropped by on Friday and taught her the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At first we were a little bummed because she hasn't read any by herself or with her children, but she then told us that she'd watched the Joseph Smith movie. It turns out she'd gone and looked up our websites, and decided to watch the movie. She loved it! She talked all about how incredible it was when he saw the First Vision, how much she connected to his family, how she couldn't believe how much he suffered. It was super cool! She's still nervous about coming to church, but we committed her to come this next week; she's going to leave her kids home and come and see it for herself first. We're super excited; the ward will welcome her perfectly. Also, she invited us and Ysabelle (the most recent convert we've been working a lot with) to come to her daughter's 8th grade graduation celebration/dinner tomorrow! It's awesome to see how much she trusts us already.
This week has been pretty weird for declaring to people though. We walked a ton, but it seemed like every time we did the pedestrians all vanished! We'd literally walk for miles without seeing a soul. During one of those walks though, we walked past a bike path by a creek, and both Elder Nalder and I got the impression to take that trail on the way back. We could see at a bend in the river, somebody sitting next to the creek with a bike. When we came back, he was still there! So, we introduced ourselves, and asked if he minded if we sat a while next to him. His name was Carlos, and he was a very interesting Mexican. He told us that he'd been sitting there enjoying the creek and the ducks, thinking about life and God and stuff. We thought that was great! So, we taught him the Joseph Smith story. As soon as we did, he brought all his doubts to the table. "I don't think God listens to a lot of prayers anymore." "How do we know where we come from, is the Bibles even true or what?" We wound up testifying and leaving him with a Book of Mormon. We also left him our number, since we couldn't get his address. It was a super neat experience! One of the things I've realized this week is how much I LOVE peace. It felt so good to sit down with him and listen to the water and watch the ducks. It makes me wonder why people run so badly from our message, when that's all we try to offer? I guess I do kinda understand though, beings as I've been there myself.
At any rate, gotta run, I love you all, tell Tom congratulations for me!!! I'm sorry I'm gonna miss his farewell, but I'll catch his homecoming for sure!
Elder Matthew David Clough