This week was really good. I can't think of a ton of really cool stuff that happened, but we worked really hard. We went into this week, deciding to have the mind-set that it wasn't actually the week before transfers. That way, we were able to focus better on our job instead of worrying about whether we'd wind up staying or not. A lot of good came from that, and while we didn't have the chance to see any baptisms this transfer, the next one is set up really well. People are still looking for this!
I LOVED the cake that you guys made for Brittney. It's SO telling about our family.
Leave it up to us to have Lego's, LoTR, and "cartoon violence" on a birthday cake for a 18 year old young woman.
It was fantastic! I also loved the pictures of Danielle playing basketball. She's a boss! I do need another album though... the other two are full up and I've got some leftovers.
At any rate, I love you all, and I'm really excited to work out here this next transfer. I'm gonna learn a TON more than the poor Elder that gets stuck out here with me; but I'll do my best. It's gonna be a bit strange; because I've only ever done Taft missionary work (which I've heard is different from elsewhere in the mission,) I'll be the senior companion for the first time AND I'll be training to boot! I'm afraid the poor new Elder won't have a very experienced "father" but I guess it'll all work out.
Here goes round 5!
Elder Matthew David Clough