In other news with investigators I've worked with; Leticia out in Simi
Valley has been a total boss apparently. This last week that branch had 17
investigators at church!!! (Remember how dead it seemed when I was there!?) AND
Leticia was the one who got most of them going! I was super excited to hear
about all that.
One of the gifts that Elder Jenkins received this past week has really
impacted me spiritually. It's a Musical CD called "Lamb of God" by Rob
Gardener. The best way to describe it is, take Phantom of the Oprah, but
replace the story and themes with the Last week of the savior's life, especially
focusing on the Atonement. It is INCREDIBLE, and super emotional. I highly
recommend everybody check it out, it's really made me think on the plan of
salvation and what Jesus Christ did for us. Some favorite tracks of mine are
"Is it I?" a Duet based on two of the Apostles speculating on whether it was
himself who would betray Christ, and "I know this Man" a solo by Peter,
expounding on his emotions directly after denying Christ 3 times and the
repentance he goes through because of it. I don't know if there's a movie
version of it all, but it would probably be the absolute most intense/ beautiful
movie of all time if there were. (So if there isn't one, I'll make it!) But
definitely take some time to listen to it on YouTube or something; it's really
made it all a lot more real to me.
I really love the mission, and I'm super grateful to everything everyone
has done to support us. We took the two Elders who room with us out to Olive
Garden (Thanks for the gift cards!) And everyone just had a great Christmas.
Thanks for being the best family in the world, I love you all!
Elder Matthew David Clough