yup! We were at the Savea's last night, and they taught us how to speak
"some" Samoan. It was really fun to ask them how to say stuff, both gospel
relevant stuff and... less relevant.
At any rate, we've had an absolutely crazy week! Jose, who we started
meeting with Sunday, has progressed at the speed of light. We came back to his
house Monday and taught the Restoration, and it went WAY good. Then we taught
him the Plan of Salvation on Wednesday, and when we finished, we asked him to
kneel down and ask Heavenly Father what day he should be baptized on. So, he did, and when
he was finished he told us the number 26 kept popping into his head.
Buckmiller and I just about died when we heard it. So, we cracked down and
asked what he understands about the word of wisdom. Unfortunately, he'd drank
tea ONCE late last week at his girlfriend's house.
So, after
deliberating about it with the Zone Leaders and with President, we came to the
conclusion that while he's exceedingly ready to be baptized, we must wait the
three weeks since he drank it. So, we are continuing to meet with him and
preparing him to be baptized on 2- 6 (A nice run around on the revelation by
Elder Buckmiller.
Another crazy thing that happened this last week, is that we'd gone over to
Rosario's house to see what's been going on. We'd been fasting and praying that
her husband Benito will soften his heart and accept the message, and allow his
family to continue progressing together, and whatnot, and while we were talking
to her we asked her several times if she needed anything. Of course, she said
no 'cause she's a sweetheart, but just before we left, I started telling her
(Why, I don't know) that something big is going to happen at her house, and that
something important is on the way. I told her we'd been fasting and praying and
that something good would help Benito out. But then she said, "I don't think
so. I think I've got cancer." She says she's got a lump somewhere, and is
getting it checked on the 26 of January. (That's past now, but I don't know the
results, haven't seen her.) So, we ran and got Brother Morrow since he doesn't
speak Spanish (she didn't want anyone to know) and gave her a blessing. I
really hope the blessing is honored and that all will be well, for the last line
was "Sea Sanado" or, be healed. We dropped by on Friday to check up and she
seemed to be a lot more cheery and hopeful.
And... we FINALLY talked to Sister Beare's sister! She's like a unicorn;
everyone knows about her, Sister Beare's been telling everyone she wants to be
baptized, but NO-ONE including Sister Beare's home teacher has ever seen her!
So we finally taught the unicorn. She's an old, frail, deaf Italian lady named
CJ (how awesome can you get!?) who is absolutely adorable. Not to mention she's
got faith like scouts have badges. She hasn't come to church yet, but every
DAY she watches the BYU channel and loves it. She's been reading the Book of
Mormon, and more than that, she's been analyzing it on a 'life lesson' level.
For example, last time she was going on about Laman and Lemuel, and how Lehi
continually was hoping and praying and helping them, but they chose to follow
other paths, and what that means in our responsibilities as parents. (And
Grandparents. and GREAT Grandparents. AND...) At any rate, she's going to be
baptized sometime this month. So, if all goes well, we'll have Jose on the
sixth, Cami and Josh on the eleventh, and CJ on the 23rd. Crazy!!!
In other news; SHERRY AND AARON came to church Sunday! and after that they
went over to the Estills house for lunch with half the ward. It's so awesome to
see them taking steps forward.
Hasta Luego mi querido familia y amigos! (See you later my cherished family & friends)
Elder Matthew David Clough