What's gone down since then? hmm... We dropped by a woman named Maria out
in Nipomo, and while we were there, we met Efrain (Ephraim), her brother. It
was a very different lesson, because Maria is almost completely blind, and
Efrain just got out of a mental hospital, but Efrain invited us in on the spot
and really seems to want to be better. He talked a lot about how he has been looking for a way to overcome
his vices. Even though the room was almost completely dark, I really felt the
spirit as we taught the restoration and testified of the healing powers of
Christ. Unfortunately they weren't there when we brought a ride for them to
come to church, so we were SUPER close to having somebody at church this week,
but we're not there yet.
I also went on Exchanges with Elder Kingrey this week. Aside from having a
fascinating name, he's also a truly fascinating Elder. He's from Alaska and
Alabama (among others) and he loves anything that makes him different. It was neat to be on exchanges
with him, though, because his one weakness is that he's got a heavy speech
disorder. It's really difficult for him to get words out. But the cool thing
is that he doesn't let it intimidate him, he is SUPER bold and willing to talk
to anybody. He even turns this weakness into a true strength by recognizing
that people are hesitant to argue with or interrupt him! He says the things
and speaks up when the people normally wouldn't let him. It was awesome to
Then, on P-day we finally got out to play sports with the rest of the
district, and it was great fun, although I'm incredibly sore! It's amazing how
sitting in a car for a year can DESTROY your ability to run and jump around.
OUCH! My Ego took a major blow after that!
We're excited for week six, I can't believe it's aready here!!! We're
putting the pedal to the medal this week, and we're intent on setting this area
up well for next transfer. I REALLY hope I get another round with Elder
Bautista; he's way too much fun to be around!
I love you all, and hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving! Keep up the
good work and more than anything keep those smiles up!
Elder Matthew David Clough